    After looking through the internet I still couldn't find the name of this particular photographer but I found this piece of work very good as it links in perfectly to my idea of having a certain colour for each individual sin. These set of images have inspired me to experiment with my own photographs by using photoshop. I could maybe put a colour layer over the top of the photograph or simply just dress my model up into the particular colour for that sin.
    In the photograph I can see the seven deadly sins all divided up into sections with the name of that sin written underneath. Each section has a woman in with a resemblance of that particular sin e.g the third element is 'vanity', the model is wearing a purple dress in the foreground and there is also a purple background. The model is also holding a mirror showing that it is asssociated itself with that sin.
    Even though all of the models have the same features as a human, you can still notice that they don't look as though they are, almost as if they are cartoons. I think it is a good idea in a way because it draws in more attention from the eye of the viewer, rather than having a real humans face. I think this unknown photographer may have done this because he or she could have made the faces look how they wanted as they could have been edited more rather than shooting a model in a studio as it may have been harder for that model to express a certain sin and to look evil, but by editing them he/she could have expressed more of a deeper inner feeling.
    There are lots of colours on this piece that stand out and each sin contrasts in colour next to one another

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    My name is Sophie Anne Kelly and I am a first year student at Ysgol John Bright.  This blog will document my progression and development throughout the course.